
In the wise words of Eckhart Tolle, “Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” Becoming self-aware is incredibly empowering as we can start to make changes in ourselves and make better choices for our well-being. Getting a natal chart reading can help you do just this and help you enact changes in your life for your highest and greatest good. A natal chart reading can also help you validate your life experiences and why you are the way you are.

Unfortunately, it is all too common for people to go through life unaware of their true nature. Some people go about their lives unaware of their potential and do not take ownership of their abilities. Some may go about their lives without knowing the full extent of their weaknesses either so cannot take steps to improve themselves. Others may not know the full extent of their soul’s desire so live life following society’s standards, not their own. Does your soul crave freedom? Or structure and discipline? A natal chart reading can help you affirm your soul desires and help you feel more confident in your life choices.  

I can provide an insightful, synthesised analysis of your natal chart to help you better understand yourself as an individual. Your natal chart is essentially your soul’s blueprint. I can help reveal to you what your life purpose is, what career paths you are suited for and key aspects of your personality. I can help point out your strengths so you can capitalize on them and also your weaknesses so you can overcome them.

You are at the heart of every reading. I always want to ensure that I provide you with helpful insight so that you feel empowered in your journey forward. You can check out a sample reading here if you would like to get a general idea of what you can expect from this reading and my overall reading style.

Your reading will be sent to you in the same video format (I will send the private YouTube link to your email address).


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